Letting Go As Our Kids Outgrow

When our kids outgrow their clothing, toys and gear, even those of us who lean toward minimalism can find it emotional to part with these things that have touched our lives so significantly. The vintage flannel button-up that was worn by my nine-year-old, Mason six years ago and was recently outgrown by his younger brother, Nash carries vivid memories. I ended up putting that one in the keepsake box after attempting to bring it to Minnows for consignment! Of course, it may not be every single shirt that we get emotional about parting with, but even the act of getting the outgrown goods out the door is a reminder that our children are no longer the baby or the toddler or the eight-year-old that they were yesterday. Bringing items to Minnows is a way to honor that process.

What makes children’s consignment so rewarding is that it brings joy to more than one family. At Minnows we get to be a part of these special exchanges day in and day out! One family is happy to be reclaiming space in their home by letting go of items that are no longer serving them, while another family is excitedly finding what they need to suit the current stage of their children’s lives. Knowing that there is another child in our community ready to rock that flannel and that Minnows is going to pass it on with love can make the letting go easier. We’re here for you!